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Biological Sciences

AACC Approved Methods of Analysis - 11th Edition

Cereals & Grains Association (formerly AACC International, American Association of Cereal Chemists) was founded in 1915 for the purpose of standardizing methods of analysis among cereal laboratories. The first release, Methods for the Analysis of Cereals and Cereal Products, was published in 1922. Since then, this collection of methods has been the most respected, referred to, and relied on source for food scientist, processors, and product developers in the field of grain sciences and technology.

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American Museum of Natural History Research Library : Digital Repository

American Museum of Natural History Research Library: Digital Repository is a digital archive maintained by the Research Library for AMNH Scientific Publications and materials digitized by the Library.

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American Society for Cell Biology

ASCB is an inclusive, international community of biologists studying the cell, the fundamental unit of life.

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American Society for Microbiology Journals

ASM journals provide coverage of both basic and clinical microbiology. With over 90 years of experience, ASM journals continue to be the leading source for the latest in microbiology research.

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American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene

The American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene produce The American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene monthly on a monthly basis. The content includes original scientific articles and cutting edge science covering new research with an emphasis on laboratory science and the application of technology in the fields of tropical medicine, parasitology, immunology, infectious diseases, epidemiology, basic and molecular biology, virology and international medicine. The Journal publishes unsolicited peer-reviewed manuscripts, invited review articles, short reports, case studies, reports on the efficacy of new drugs and methods of treatment, prevention and control methodologies, new testing methods and equipment, book reports and letters to the Editor. Topics range from applied epidemiology in such relevant areas as AIDS to the molecular biology of vaccine development.

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Annual Reviews

Annual Reviews publishes authoritative, analytic reviews in focused disciplines within the Biomedical, Life, Physical, and Social Sciences. The Reviews capture current understanding of a topic, including what is well supported and what is controversial; Set the work in historical context; Highlight the major questions that remain to be addressed and the likely course of research in upcoming years; and Outline the practical applications and general significance of research to society.

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AVS the Science and Technology Society

AVS is an interdisciplinary, professional Society, AVS supports networking among academic, industrial, government, and consulting professionals involved in a variety of disciplines - chemistry, physics, biology, mathematics, all engineering disciplines, business, sales, etc. through common interests related to the basic science, technology development, and commercialization of materials, interfaces, and processing area.

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BioCyc Database Collection

BioCyc is a collection of 17,000+ Pathway/Genome Databases (PGDBs), plus software tools for exploring them.

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Bioline International

Bioline International is not-for-profit open access to quality research journals published in developing countries.

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CABI Compendium

CABI Compendium brings together data and research across species, pests, and diseases into one comprehensive resource. CABI Compendium includes images, maps, and diagnostic and decision support tools such as The Horizon Scanning Tool, Pest Risk Analysis Tool, and a new addition - the Invasive Species Discovery Tool.

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Canadian Science Publishing

NRC Research Press has been publishing scholarly journals since 1929. The NRC Research Press journals cover a broad range of scientific disciplines and feature more than 2000 articles each year published on a state-of-the-art electronic platform. These award-winning, high-impact scientific and technical journals have an international readership in more than 175 countries.

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Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press

Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press is an internationally renowned publisher in all areas of genetics and molecular biology, including cancer biology, plant science, bioinformatics, and neurobiology.

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